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Online Gaming Does a Good Job on Responsible Gambling – November 19th, 2009

Casino NewsGeoffrey Godbold, the chief executive officer of the Great Foundation – successor to the Responsibility in Gambling Trust in the UK – has only kind words for the gambling industry’s contribution in the fight against problem gambling.

Speaking at the annual general meeting of the Remote Gambling Association last week, Godbold said that the UK gambling industry’s support for problem gamblers is unique and in social responsibility terms eclipses that of both the alcohol and retail industries.

The responsible gambling executive urged the industry to ‘blow it’s own trumpet more’ in publicising the contribution that operators have made of their own volition to counter problem gambling over the last 10 years. “This is one area where the gambling industry is unique,” said Godbold.

“The drinks industry doesn’t look after its problem drinkers and the retail industry doesn’t look after problem shoppers.The gambling industry has funded, set-up and run the whole operation for problem gamblers.”

The GREaT Foundation was established as a charity in 2002 as Britain’s largest funding body responsible for tackling problem gambling through the funding of research, education and treatment from voluntary donations. The organisation is funded by donations from gambling companies.

The news comes in a week in which player protection and standards body eCOGRA completed its fifth annual Responsible Gambling training course for 70 online gambling staffers working in four different countries.


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