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Slots for Retailers – September 18th, 2009

Casino NewsThe website development company Hudson Horizons has made imaginative and innovative use of online slots gambling and auction techniques to enhance a retail client’s offering, recently launching a custom-made Flash game to accompany a designer label e-commerce store,

The team of Web 2.0 developers at Hudson Horizons designed, hand-coded and launched for the client back in May, 2008. The e-commerce site allows shoppers to rent, buy, or purchase designer apparel and accessories on layaway; underwent several renovations over the months, giving shoppers the chance to place bids on items of their choice, and win them through an interactive, live auction.

The recently-launched Flash game is an extension of previous interactive additions to the fashionable e-commerce website. Members registered with Rent Me A Hang Bag can log in and play the new Flash slot game for a chance to win products. After pulling the virtual lever, three reels spin at random; if the reels stop on matching icons, members can instantly win exciting prizes such as a designer purse, high-end shoes, or point credits that can be redeemed through the online store and used towards a future purchase.

Hudson Horizons VP of Technology Matt Mayernik said of the new Flash game: “We used CS3 Flash technology to develop the application, utilizing web services.” Noting that social networking websites have swept the world by storm, Hudson Horizons founder, president and CEO, Daryl H. Bryant said:

“That’s why our team has built this Flash game to be fully integrated with Facebook’s social community.”

Through dynamic oAuth technology, an open protocol that allows secure API authorization, Facebook members can access the game directly through the social platform with their regular login information. Likewise, shoppers registered with can play the Flash game directly through the e-commerce website, using their customer login information.

As with many of their custom-designed projects, Mayernik and his team of Web 2.0 developers integrated their dynamic SEO-friendly Content Management System. This unique CMS gives site owners the ability to manage every aspect of the Flash game, including prize values, reel icons, and winning odds.

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