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Monday, 9 April 2024

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Whilst there is available other web site statistics software available which you can install on your site, all webmasters should take advantage of Google Analytics, which is provided for free by the search engine giant.

Used in conjunction with Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics can and does provide you with an extensive overview of all the visitors to your site.

Such as where they are located, operating system in use, which site or search engine referred them and how long on average did they stay on your site.

There are however, conspiracy theories doing the rounds on the internet that by registering your site with Analytics and also WMT means you are offering up information that google could turn round and use against you.

Well I say, if you are decent honest webmaster, who doesn’t use nefarious blackhat techniques or a massive PBN ( Public Blog Network ), then you should not believe such rumours.

Google Analytics provides a minefield of information and should be the first thing you use with your site, in conjunction of course, with Google Webmaster Tools.

I am probably teaching a grandmother to suck eggs with this article, but you would be surprised the number of webmasters starting out who either disregard Analytics or haven’t even heard of it!

If you want your role as a casino affiliate to become your full time occupation, then Google Analytics has to be on your site’s bucket wish list!

Visit Google Analytics