SEMrush – SEO, Competitors Research, Site Audit and Link Analysis

SEMrush is one of several browser based tools which provides you with a wealth of information not only on how your site is performing ‘seo’ wise, but also your competitors.
Indeed, this is our go to seo utility when it comes to performing seo tasks on EasyPlay.Vegas, whether it be on page or off page.
So first off what is so great about SEMrush and more importantly what is the catch? Well SEMrush performs a multitude of tasks for starters.
This page could quite easily turn into a university dissertation if I covered in detail everything SEMrush can do for webmasters so I will instead try and keep it concise and to the point.

Tracking Keyword Rankings
Arguably the most important factor, certainly when starting out for budding and aspiring iGaming Affiliates is the ability to track how your site ranks for all the keywords you are targeting. SEMRush does this for you and with the most basic package, it allows you to track rankings for up to 500 keywords across all the projects you have setup.
What is good about the Position Tracking as it is labelled within SEMrush is the fact that you will not encounter the dreaded “Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network” message from google in your browser.
Positions are updated daily within a 24 hour period and SEMrush’s Position Tracker also keeps a count on your historical positions within your project.
Site Audit
The Site Audit does exactly what it says, with SEMrush providing an extensive crawl of any site you have set up as projects. Once complete the information returned thus allows you to fix any errors, warnings or notices that have been flagged.
Areas covered in the ‘Site Audit’ include page speed, crawling issues, duplicate content found and problems with https should you have an SSL certificate installed on your site. ( Which you really should do! )
Backlink Audit
Now this is where SEMrush really excels and webmasters need to be using this tool once a month at the very least. If you don’t subscribe to the more expensive but excellent Link Research Tools, then SEMrush’s backlink audit is a must use tool.
Everyone knows that the internet and the search engines rely on backlinks, with authoritative backlinks being key to ensuring good rankings on the likes of google. But alas, bad or ‘Toxic’ backlinks also have the reverse effect.
For those of you unaware, the animal that is Negative Seo is very real and this is achieved by nefarious competitors pointing a whole host of toxic backlinks at your site or sites. With the sole aim of trying to get the dreaded google ‘Penguin’ penalty applied to your site, with the end result seeing your SERPS plummeting.
Allowing you to interface your Google Webmasters Tools account and also your account with Majestic SEO if you have one, the SEMrush backlink audit identifies all toxic backlinks. Thus allowing you to go through each one and subsequently adding all identified Toxic Links to your google ‘Disavow File’.
SEMrush also allows you to upload your most recent Disavow File, so the backlink audit in turn takes this into account when running. Ensuring you don’t duplicate any work done on your Disavow File.
Monthly Subscription
Above we have detailed just some of the wealth of tools available to you when subscribing to SEMrush. There are in total 4 plans you can subscribe to. Here at EasyPlay.Vegas we are on the ‘Pro Plan’.
The plans available are the following:
- Pro $ 99.95 per month
- Guru $199.95 per month
- Business $399.95 per month
- Enterprise Call for Info
SEMRush Preview
If all of this sounds of interest, then give SEMrush a whirl by using the box below.