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Hasta La Vista AffPower

AskGamblers Terminate Partnership with AffPower

It’s the 9th August 2017, it may well be a wet summer in the UK, but the sun is shining for all players at online casinos, certainly when it comes to the small matter of the rogue casino group that is AffPower.

Not that the sun is shining on AffPower that is. You see, our  OCR video blog dated the 1st June 2017 titled ‘The Good The Bad and The Ugly of Online Casinos‘, I took a virtual dig and aim at those casino portals which openly continued to work with the AffPower Casino Group.

The portal which came into the firing line and faced my ‘wrath’ was AskGamblers, the flagship portal of the Catena Media Group, which they picked up for a cool €15m back in the summer of 2016. Well as documented on the OCR Video Blog of June 1st, I basically received no feedback or reply to my attempts to reach out to Catena and AskGamblers.

However, moving forward, this situation has now changed and I was put in touch with two individuals who work for Catena / Ask Gamblers last week, on Wednesday 2nd August. I provided Catena / AskGamblers with the information we have, including the Negative SEO Attack on EasyPlay.Vegas.

Then on Friday an email was sent to me from my contact at AskGamblers which I picked up on the Sunday, informing me that they have ‘Terminated’ any and all relationship they had with AffPower and their associated brands. Any and all pages concerning AffPower and their casino properties returned on AskGamblers now has the following at the top of the page.

AskGamblers Hasta La Vista AffPower

I have to personally thank  Dimitar and Bane at AskGamblers for their professionalism and help in resolving this issue. Now we have a direct line of communication between OCR and Catena/AskGamblers, we can therefore work together and assist each other, as and when known rogue casino groups rear their head above the parapet.

Personally for me and also OCR, this action taken by AskGamblers is a shot in the arm for integrity and honesty in the iGaming Industry. Fernanda Carascal the CMO of Affpower was unceremoniously booted off the Affiliate Awards Judging Panel, when iGB got wind of AffPower’s underhanded activities. Furthermore, AffPower can no longer exhibit at any and all Affiliate Conferences operated by iGaming Business.

Now with the positive action taken by AskGamblers, unaware players are no longer going to be referred to any of AffPower’s casinos from what is arguably the most visible casino portal on the internet. So I am a happy camper and players, operators and the such like should be too.

If you are reading this Alex, Fernanda and co. I have one thing to say to you. ‘Have Some of That!

AskGamblers Terminate Partnership with AffPower
