EasyPlay.Vegas - The Best Online Casinos
Saturday, 7 April 2024

Articles from tag: Stuart Ferster

Court Date Set


Court Date Set to Stay Bath Rock Media’s Claim Against ITC 5th December 2017 – Chippenham County Court has set a date for the hearing of Interactive Technology Corporation Limited’s  application to ‘Stay’ the proceedings brought against them by Bath Rock Media Limited, the owners and operators of EasyPlay.Vegas.

OCR Commences Legal Action Against Affiliate Program


OCR Commences Legal Action Against Affiliate Program 9th October 2017 – It’s late on a Monday evening and it has gone past 21:00 already, yet I am still in the office, having just filed legal proceedings against ITC Ltd, the parent company of Affiliate Edge, who owe EasyPlay.Vegas

OCR To Commence Legal Proceedings Against Club World Group


Interactive Technology Corporation to face Court Action 4th October 2017 OCR Video Blog – Our final video blog for September 2017 covers our ongoing dispute with Affiliate Edge and their parent company Interactive Technology Limited. As documented and vlogged about on 1st September 2017. The video below was recorded on

Affiliate Edge – Can’t Pay We’ll Take It Away


Affiliate Edge – Can’t Pay We’ll Take It Away 3rd September 2017 – The purpose of this page concerning Affiliate Edge, is to document our issues with the UK Manchester based Casino Affiliate Program and their continual withholding of some £5,000 from EasyPlay.Vegas. For those of you not